Blobs and Chunks on October 20, 2017 Chapter: The Visit Blobs and chunks sound soooo delicious right now. Like what you see? Share it.
But snails are blobs and chunks.
So far we have a communications fail and a food fail. Apparently, it IS rocket surgery!
Yeah, that Carl is so full of spoilers… 😉
Carl has no expiration date. So he can’t spoil.
I now have a lump in my throat thanks to those gag inducing images.
Yeah. Not going to show up on any fancy French menu anytime soon, I’d imagine.
I thought, on behalf of Bears everywhere, that when it comes to food, Duffy would have been at least able to open a tin of “something” and not burn the contents!!! I see I’m sadly mistaken!!!
Well, he is a bear…
Duff’s in the hotel kitchen? Again? I though he was banned after the first time, and that other time, and that last time… oh forget it. 😀 😀
Don’t think he was listening. But in his defense, Edna put him in charge of the catering.