Never soiled myself, but the whole clown thing? Yeah, I had that going on. Still do, sometimes. I’m 51. You’d think maybe I’d have grown up by this time.
From a technical standpoint, the comment section of you website worked just fine for me (Latest version of Firefox from a WIndows PC). Submit button was right where is is supposed to be.
Your comment section seems to be working fine. Only odd thing I noticed is that comments don’t show up automatically. Have to click “# of comments” link first, before the comment box displays.
yeah, that’s a typical thing. If you look at other folks sites, that’s how it’s handled. That way, the home page isn’t all cluttered with all those millions of comments on the site 😉 Thanks Bret for your help.
Your comments section is really weird. Very disconcerting and not easy to use. No submit button, and I had to type over a previous comment because there is no empty comment box presented. 🙁
That’s odd. I’ve been through this plugin from top to bottom and haven’t had any issue like this. It might have something to do with the formatting. I’ll do some research.
Never soiled myself, but the whole clown thing? Yeah, I had that going on. Still do, sometimes. I’m 51. You’d think maybe I’d have grown up by this time.
It’s never a good time to grow up. It’s not recommended.
I so agree!!
I think this comment section is great! Everything works fine for me!
Good to here. Thanks!
Brownie the Clown? eww.
From a technical standpoint, the comment section of you website worked just fine for me (Latest version of Firefox from a WIndows PC). Submit button was right where is is supposed to be.
Ok. Thanks for the input.
Your comment section seems to be working fine. Only odd thing I noticed is that comments don’t show up automatically. Have to click “# of comments” link first, before the comment box displays.
yeah, that’s a typical thing. If you look at other folks sites, that’s how it’s handled. That way, the home page isn’t all cluttered with all those millions of comments on the site 😉 Thanks Bret for your help.
Your comments section is really weird. Very disconcerting and not easy to use. No submit button, and I had to type over a previous comment because there is no empty comment box presented. 🙁
That’s odd. I’ve been through this plugin from top to bottom and haven’t had any issue like this. It might have something to do with the formatting. I’ll do some research.
Weird. Everything looks fine for me.
Ok, thanks!
Never actually soiled myself, but “Cool and Suave” ??? NOOO!!!!
I don’t think I’ve ever soiled myself either. At leas not that I know of.