Fear on March 11, 2019 Chapter: The Resolution I am gripped by that same fear everytime I start a new strip. Like what you see? Share it.
The inertia of the mind. Stuck between the rock of the desire for approval and the hard place of the anticipation of rejection. Kicked to the curb by our own insecurities. Paint your vision board jet blank and just go back to bed. 🙂
It’s the easiest way.
The blank page is sooooooooooo intimidating…
Very avant-garde
THIS…this is what MY vision board would look like!
You and me both, sister.
Did Carl’s obsessing extinguish the life coach’s glowing aura?
Yeah, looks like it’s fading a bit.
Crippling fear is a good B-movie monster name.
It’s also what my James Bond bad-guy name would be. “James, look out! It’s Crippling Fear!”