Good News on December 16, 2013 Chapter: The Random Act of Comicness Everyone has their own definition. Like what you see? Share it.
I’m “seeing” a Charlie Brown type tree in the future…. hehehehe or maybe the huge tree that they were stuck in a few weeks ago 🙂 🙂
Ah the beauty of comic strips. Could be anything. Or nothing. The suspense.
O Tannenbear, O Tannenbear…!
Ahhhahahah! You see? I need to contract you guys out for my written material.
Ha, ha! I like the third panel. So cute! 😀
Thank Bill. I just realized though, both their legs are sooooo long. What happened?
He is so excited, don’t snow on his parade! 😉
“Don’t snow on his parade”… lol. I see what you did there.