Mine shaft Mayhem
Last minute change on the punchline. My original just didn’t make sense. Besides, this punchline makes me laugh.
Bonus stuff!!!
A fellow cartoonist, Kim Belding who draws the comic strip PicPak Dog is taking a bit of a break on his strip. A bunch of us are giving him a kind of shout out by way of posting of fan art. We’re all posting our artwork on Twitter today with the tag #VivaPicpak. But for those who don’t follow Twitter, I’ll post my contribution here as well.
Editor’s notes: They boys have their mustaches back. For some reason, if forgot they had them last week.
He’s gunna need a torch. Mine shafts are dark
And deep.
I think if they follow that bear, they’ll be gettin the shaft!
Indeed they will.
I don’t know what your original punchline was, but this one made me laugh too! 😀
This one worked better. The other one was convoluted and hard to understand. I should start a Patreon and start sharing these little behind the scene stories.
When natural instincts stinks.
More like unnatural instincts.
“Follow me boys!” sounds like famous last words!
Yep. That and “hey, watch this.”
Another fave: “Is this thing loaded?”
yep. That too.
Can you get the website to play the Shaft Theme in the background?
The closest I can get is the theme to People’s Court.
That sounds like Bull to me.
It has to be.
Thanks for the artwork PJ! Like I always say, what’s a picnic without mayonnaise?
You do say that… a lot…
By the time they find Amelia she’ll be an old lady!
Yeah. Good thing time is not of the essence.
Cool comic. That’s fun to say fast!