Mr. Buttinsky
This storyline was supposed to have been started a week ago, but I was having so much fun with the whole Fit Bit thing… Today’s strip isn’t drop-dead hilarious, but it sets the stage for a storyarc that should prove to be interesting, and revealing, and maybe a little dramatic.
For those who didn’t know, my site went down over the weekend. Due to a mishap of my own doing, everything was deleted. Thanks goodness for a backup, otherwise Flatt Bear would be no more. So for those who made comments on Friday’s strip, they are gone. Long live the comments.
He’s got an awful lot of snout to stick in other’s people’s business, so why not?
He’s just doing what a bear does best.
I always answer a question with a question, wise idea, no? [smirk]
I see what you did there
Too many questions. We need to know the facts! Keep pressing, you crazy talking bear.
LOL. For reals. Laughed out loud at this comment.
So many questions. I bet Duffy had something to do with the “Great Site Crash of May 2015” too. Glad you were able to save it all PJ.
Thanks Tony. Me too. I was considering not rebuilding and just hanging it up. However, I wouldn’t know what to do with all that extra time… or sleep.
The grumpy virus is going about.
Hope there’s a vaccine for that.
The comments were eyes only
They had to be eliminated for national security
good to know.