New Site
Well that was a weekend I’ll never get back.
Took me all weekend, but I managed to get everything (sort of) migrated to the new server. There’s still some things left to do but the major stuff is in place now. Along with it is a fresh new look. For you P.C. users, you’ll notice the comic is bigger now. For you folks using devices like phones or tablets, you might not notice too much difference other than the comic might not fit on screen in horizontal mode. Might mean a little scrolling. I’m planning on making the site more device friendly but that’s down the road a bit, I’m pretty much over this whole migration thing.
If anything looks or acts strange, let me know so I can grumble under my breath and drown my sorrows in shrimp.
Lot’s of shrimp.
Storyline will continue on Wednesday.
What’s up?
I’m seeing a bear that keeps acting strange… please advise
Observe said bear from a distance.
I’m heavily armed… really… I can barely lift my arms
Looks great, P.J. Now, where’s that shrimp?
It’s on back-order.
So that’s what you guys do instead of switching 40 clocks to Daylight Saving.
Yep. Just trying to keep things exiting.
Mars Bars and Shrimp???? Separate, I hope!!!
The new site looks great from my PC, as well!
Not sure there’s a difference for Duff.
The new site looks great from my PC!
🙂 Thanks! 🙂
Congrats! i know it takes a lot of work!
It was quite challenging to say the least.
Shrimp always helps!
I’m seeing broken image links in the “Like what you see? box. Otherwise it’s great!!!
Thanks for the head’s up. Think I fixed it now.