Poking Around
I would have turned around the minute I ran into that cussing dirt squirrel. Anyone else notice how Carl blends in well with the wooded surroundings?
A little heads-up
This is the strip that almost wasn’t. Well not for today anyway. My computer decided to take a dump on me just before I started this strip Thursday night. Don’t know if it is a bad hard drive or a virus…either way, my main computer is down. But thank goodness, however, for my laptop, a second copy of Clip Studio Paint, and my Flatt Bear master art all stored on the cloud or this would have been a more disappointing post. Hopefully, I’ll have things all fixed and running by Sunday evening. I now know how I’m going to spend my 3 day weekend.
Little squirrel in the cap is a keeper!
Recurring role perhaps?
Nope. Nothing weird here! Happy you got the strip done in spite of all the obstacles!
And I hope you sort out your ‘puter problems too.
I finally got a new episode posted after a month & a half of no drawing.
Saw that. Welcome back to the land of the living.
Carl is a natural woodsman as he does blend in well with the surroundings. Now he just has to befriend Angry Squirrel & the Polar Bear.
He’s not making friends, that’s for sure.
Oh no to the computer! But yay for this strip!
Yah. Didn’t think it was going to happen.
Oh man!! Good luck!! I like the squirrel too. 🙂
Heh. he’s a mean one, that squirrel.
Bummer man
Sorry to hear about the demise of your machine