Sssslinky on April 20, 2015 Chapter: The Meeting Where’s he getting his information from? Like what you see? Share it.
I don’t how the animal kingdom puts up with us humans! [smirk]
We’re the worst.
North is a real people-person, ain’t he?
or an animal person… or an amoeba person.
That’s ssssstereotyping!
I know, right? It’ssssss ssssssso wrong.
Don’t let the naysayer bother you Carl.
Poor little fellow
Imagine the interesting report he’ll have to turn in about his exploits. 🙂
Yeah. Hope he’s taking notes.
Gotta admit Carl that’s a great lump. Probably a painful lump but a great lump just the same
I so wanted to go old school Tom and Jerry lump. You know the kind that looks like a broom handle. But it just didn’t look… well… kid friendly.
That guy has been reading too many comic strips
Shame on him.