I wonder what I should comment on in this comment that can solicit so many follow up comments about my original comment. I suppose it should be something controversial about comic site design, but frankly I am laughing too hard at the comic itself to care. North, as usual, is at a loss for words. Poor slob.
Whoa! That plot twist deserved a hazard sign! 😉
There’s lots of those sign around Bear Flatts
I wonder what I should comment on in this comment that can solicit so many follow up comments about my original comment. I suppose it should be something controversial about comic site design, but frankly I am laughing too hard at the comic itself to care. North, as usual, is at a loss for words. Poor slob.
LOL! “Poor slob.” That’s perfect.
This comment seems a bit derivative
Test test, checking to see if the comments bug is sorted out.
Coming in loud and clear. Thanks.