You Can’t Hide Those Judgey Eyes
Here’s how observant I am.
I kid you not… It wasn’t until I was putting the date on this freshly inked strip that I fully realized tomorrow (now today) is St. Patrick’s Day. You’ll understand when you figure out my full name what a complete travesty this really is. However, I’m sure I had massive missed opportunity for some sort of St. Patty’s Day gag somewhere. Alas lads, there’s always next year.
Have a good me day!
p.j. day (yep, really).
How funny! I never thought about your name like this before! I must not have read your comment first time around!
It’s St Paddy Day. Paddy is the diminutive of Patrick, Patty is short for Patricia.
Indeed. Although I’m am surely not a Patricia. Although I have been called that from time to time. 🙂
I think a vacuum would make a nice home warming gift!
And don’t feel bad P.J., I didn’t even wear green on St. Patric’s Day! Oh, well except for my green jacket I wore while out that day.
Hmm… Never mind.
A vacuum is a great idea. I’m writin’ this down Bill.
Where else are you going to find an abode furnished with authentic bear fur carpeting?
Ahahah! Really. It’s the only way you can safely get a bear skin rug without the bear skin.
I missed it too. 🙁
We shall wallow in our bitter regret together. 🙁
it’s like having carpet to walk on and getting free slippers to boot!
I know, right? Bonus!
Duffy wouldn’t be so pleasant to live with, at least this part of it. 😉
And Happy St Patrick’s Day!
Well, he is a bear. Last time I had a bear for a roommate, he kept eating all my wild berries and fish.
Think of all the future sweaters at your feet!
You never have to wear socks again.
At least it’s much easier to lay than proper carpet. The bonus of having a poodle
It can also be weaved into a blanket.