$40,000,000 Bear
BAM! There it is. a $40,000,000 bear!
I can’t speak for my Canadian or UK readers, but here in the good ol’ U.S., there’s all kinds of weird and ridiculous things that happen with government agencies and money. Like when project gets green-lighted when no one wants it to happen, when it makes no sense to continue on with it, and when there’s no money to fund it. But that one right person want’s it to happen and, by-gosh, it’s happening. So for me it’s no stretch of the imagination to think that the government agency depicted here in this strip (or any agency for that matter) would go from one extreme to another. From virtually no support to complete and utter overcompensation. How can they justify it? Well, I am aware that government agencies spend all of their budgeted money before the end of the fiscal year. If they don’t, they risk not getting that amount for the next fiscal year. So a lot of them wind up spending money on some pretty crazy things.
So, why $40,000,000? I am familiar with a particular program that has been green-lighted at the tune of approximately $80 million +. I was going to use that figure for this part of the story arc but decided to cut that amount in half because I didn’t want to appear too ludicrous. But I truly believe that Duffy’s scenario could and does happen all the time.
This will be the closest I will ever get to political satire, I promise. I’ll leave that to the pros, Berkeley Breathed and Gary Trudeau.
Meantime, I can’t wait to see what this new found windfall has in store for our clueless hero. Some folks have already weighed in with their comments. We’ll see who has it right.
If you need help with all that money, we’ve got a very generous “investment” plan.
Hey Duffy I could use a Bear for my new webcomic. Wanna come work for me??? Plus you don’t need all the stress of money management so I’ll even take care of all those bucks for you.
So true about governments. They’ll throw ridiculous amounts of money at seemingly useless or unneccesary projects then cut funding to schools, hospitals, police & emergency services to save money in their budget. Just makes no sense
Eh. You couldn’t afford him. He’s all diva-ey now.
Oh yeah I forgot about how actor types suddenly rise way above us commoners when the hit the big bucks. Hey maybe I could get a job working for Duff instead???
He will take your app and consider you for the position. Please jump in the queue.
Your description reminds me of many ads. I wonder who in the ad agency or client approved the garbage to spend the money on it.
Yeah. Same animal, different fur.
This might just be the richest comic strip I’ve ever read!
Which reflects the actual wealth of the artist of this comic… not
“I cut that amount in half because I didn’t want to seem too ludicrous” Excellent..
Yeah, as if 40 mil is more acceptable than 80 mil.
Rant away, this is definitely an issue to discuss in comic or any other form.
I suppose so. Where else can you make fun out of the oldest comedic source in the books?
that’s a nice settlement! Oh and I owe you $40,000,000. Remind me! 🙂
Payable upon demand.
I agree with you, PJ, on the government’s ridiculous waste of money. Wish they would waste it on me!
Money, resources, manpower… You don’t know half of it…
Cash is good too. Actually, I have a tenancy to always trade in my checks for cash! 😉
Funny how that works out that way, isn’t it?
Cash is even better!
Lot less portable at this rate.
Suddenly I want to be close, personal friends with a certain bear!
We all do. Queue up.
LOL! Love the last panel. I was not expecting that. 🙂
Glad to hear that John. That’s my intent. Keep everyone guessing.
Fourth Wall Breach. I like it. 🙂
I always like when a strip throws that element in once in a while. Pulls the reader in.
…and he loaded up the truck and he moved to Beverlyyyyyy…
A bear in Beverly Hills. Hmmm, could be a start of a spin-off comic.