Abandon Strip
Yep. Sometimes comic strip artists think they’er soooooo clever. Clever not in the ability to write great gags and comedy, but clever in that we think we can cheat the system. This was supposed to be a real easy strip today. Low art to text ratio I might get this strip out faster than I normally do. But alas, I sit loading this update at 11:35 pm no better off than I usually am at this stage. All well, it’s the thought that counts. I also had this grand idea that I would attempt a typical Berke Breathed move (Bloom County). That is, a heavy narrative strip with a hilarious unexpected final panel.
My profound apologies to Berke and his legacy.
New story arc coming next week. Until then, enjoy the weekend.
Aww… The poor bunny wanted to say something funny. 😀
There’s nothing worse than a depressed bunny.
No rest for the weary…
Hey… That’s what I said. You have conforms it. Must be true. :p
I’m overwhelmed by the Rabbit’s effort & enthusiasm. I guess that means he has nowhere else to be for the holidays. His dedication is impressive
He’s… All alone. Abandoned.
I’m here! . . but it seems time and a comic strip don’t always work together as we plan. And yeah, with the holiday’s everyone has a million things to do it seems. Have a great weekend PJ!
Seems we are all here but the cast themselves are MIA. Must be on holiday… lucky dogs… or bears… or kids.
Hello. I’m here. And I appreciate the sentiment.
And I appreciate the appreciation that you… appreciate… the apprec…
“Am I not good enough!?”
I was soooo was going to use that line, but I couldn’t get it to fit.