Does anyone remember getting those AOL disks in the mail? Got at least one every week. I wonder how they knew that I had a computer back then, no Internet tracking yet…..
Oh yeah, I remember buying a Compuserve upgrade, probably one of the few people to ever pay for a browser.
I originally had North delivering a line that mentioned some of those defuncted or lame online sites. I wasn’t sure anyone would know what they were so I changed his line. Should have kept it, because the punchline would have made more sense.
Does anyone remember getting those AOL disks in the mail? Got at least one every week. I wonder how they knew that I had a computer back then, no Internet tracking yet…..
Oh yeah, I remember buying a Compuserve upgrade, probably one of the few people to ever pay for a browser.
They used to send out those disks all the time. 1000’s of free hours.
Compu-suck! I still have a second landline so I can have uninteruptEd Internet accesss. I hate when someone calls and disrupts My Metallica downloads.
Ah, those were the days.
You can never go wrong with a ‘just called’ punchline! 😆
It’s the comedic writer’s go-to.
Or BIX? GEnie? The Source?
I originally had North delivering a line that mentioned some of those defuncted or lame online sites. I wasn’t sure anyone would know what they were so I changed his line. Should have kept it, because the punchline would have made more sense.
I remember printed books, radio and Saturday morning cartoons and breakfast cereals with prizes inside. 🙂
and don’t forget the CrackerJacks with prizes that weren’t some lame sticker or “tatoo.”
Ooooo Compuserve…. back when 64k of RAM was a lot of memory.
Right? And we all thought, “we couldn’t ever need any more than that.”