Christmas Time is Here Again
Well, I couldn’t resist. Had this roughed out and didn’t want to waste it.
So next week I’m taking a break. Now don’t panic. It’s just for the week. I’m going to take the time to reconnect with the family I’ve neglected for a year and in the process recharge my creative batteries. Flatt Bear will be back January 5th in full force and ready for those new characters I’ve been hinting about. I’m really excited about this next story arc coming up so stay tuned.
Cheers! Merry Christmas and happy Boxing Day!
Yes, the ol’ Christmas sock joke!
Sick, sick joke
Happy Holidays, P.J.!
Maybe Carl would feel better if they got him one sock instead of two. 🙂
See ya after the New Year…with Flattbear in full force, PJ.
Gotta love those pants. Carl can cut eye holes in the socks & use them as balaclavas
Sounds great P.J. — Take a well earned vacation and we’ll see you after next week. and be sure to wear your Christmas Pants!!!!
You get the socks too eh?
I actually didn’t get them this year
Merry Christmas
Thanks for all the great work you do