Dinner Bell, Fire Bell
Did that just happen?
Well, this could go several ways from here.
1. I say, “well it’s been a good run. Thanks for the support.”
2. I could say that Monday morning, Duff will wake up from a hypernate sleep and all this will have been a dream.
3. You say, “p.j., you’ve lost your bloody mind!”
I choose to go with the latter.
Actually, this is the big story line I’ve been teasing about for a while. I’ve had this story arc in mind months ago but was a little nervous about bringing into play. But, in doing this, it will reset certain details in the back story and align it to where I wanted it to be from the beginning. It will allow me to explore a really great story line and several down the road. And finally, it will allow me to introduce a character that I’ve been struggling to figure out how and when to bring “them” into the existing cast.
And of course, this is what we like the call in the business… the cliff hanger. Hopeful gets you to come back on Monday to see how this will play out.
Those gas knobs can be so tricky. And I bet they blame the chef & not the silly wrong way round knobs. My gas BBQ works that way too & it always confuses me. Althouugh I’ve never destroyed the house because of it
built in disaster i say!
Experience is the best teacher, Duffy! 😉
And he should be a top student by now.
Burn, bacon, burn! Diner inferno!
That’s funny Mark.
P.J. this was your best gag yet! I laughed so hard on this one! When I looked at the first panel I thought “Excellent! He’s showing the outside of a location. Now I’ll have a better idea where this location is.” (Which is something I really like and use in my comic) Then I looked at the next panel and it was all gone! That caught me off guard! Too Funny! 😀
I know, right? I’ve wanted to do an establishing shot for like – ever. I like world building. And then when I finally do, I destroy it. I’ll have to do more of this. It wasn’t as time consuming as I thought it would be.
Cajun style, anyone?
A little seasoning and all will be good.
Nice reboot!! Can’t wait ’till Monday now!! New characters are always a good thing, if carefully introduced.
Just a minor reboot I guess Mike. Yeah. The new character will tie in the whole premise of the strip. Can’t wait.