Fitbit To Be Tied
What a waste of technology.
For those who have subscribed to the email updates, I’ve been told that some of them are getting to you folks a little late. Like a whole day late. I’m not sure what’s up with that. Everything seems to be set correctly. Just hang in there, I’ll eventually figure it out.
Nothing from nothing leaves nothing!
Is that a “The love you take is equal to the love you give” thing?
Don’t nitpick the fit bit!
Very poetic
It tells you what you’ve done? Wouldn’t you already know that? It should tell you what you need to do
Today’s Flatt Bear email notification still hasn’t showed up. I should get a notification if you reply to this post. I’ll let you know what happens.
Yep.. Don’t know why. I even went in and changed the time it sends them out. Just not working. I may just disable the whole news letter thing if this doesn’t clear up.
I got a comment reply notification OK PJ if that’s what you mean
The comment replies are working. It’s those who who subscribed to the email notifications that’s not working. People aren’t getting emails when I post comic updates sometimes the day after, sometimes not at all.
I had that problem when I changed from Comicpress to Comiceasel. I was using the Jetpack subscriptions & it wouldn’t send email new post notifications for “Comic” post types only blog posts. I changed to MailChimp & had no problems since.
I gave up on Jetpacks subscription a long time ago. I stopped sending notifications for no reason and I couldn’t get it to work. That’s why I started using Mail Chimp.
Duffy is chill.
He’s downright frozen
All you need to do is create an app that will sound off a slow clap with each step. If you can get him to jog, it’s a standing O with cheers and all, chanting his name!
Good one.
I’ll work on that. It’s bound to sell…big