Flight Of The Suit
He was supposed to have socks made of baby seals. I guess I know my limits. Nice to see Duff finally embracing to massive wealth he has come into.
If you haven’t already, head on over to Jon Crazyverse (not “universe,” sorry mate) and catch my guest strip this week. And while you’re there, check out some of Jon’s crazy stuff from his two strips, Mike and Mindy and Mushrooms. Great stuff. And speaking of guest strips, I’ll be hosting some guest strips on my own site in July from some very talented and very generous cartoonist pals of mine. Stay tuned.
Have a great week end.
A fur seal walks into a club…
Will a condor suit give Duffy flight ability?
ooo. I know that joke.
Looks like condors aren’t the only endangered species about right now!
I know, right?
Great idea! I’ll take charge of the money! Prepare the power-of-attorney papers!
Well just get you on retainer.
Duffy and Lady Gaga should meet, on second thought . . . no, she might wear him as a suit! 😉
That wod be an interesting meeting.
I want that suit. Or an inexpensive fake knockoff.
Features are murder.
He’s cosplaying condor man- that movie from the early 80’s!
That movie never happened.
Mo Money, Mo Condors
We gots a two fer one deal.
But use pencil on that calender, no ink. 😉
I suspect the timeline will be changing minute to minute.
All that money gives him some feather brained ideas!
And probably gives him gas as well.