Future on September 11, 2017 Chapter: The Visit There’s so much awesome in the lost and found. Like what you see? Share it.
Duff’s in a world of his own… Yeah, I can relate. ^_^
He sees everything through rose-colored glasses. Thick, over magnified rose-colored glasses.
Hey, those were MY glasses! I bought them from an ad I saw in the back of my comic boo… err, Advanced Physics textbook.
I always wanted a pair of those. That and the remote control ghost/monster (String not included).
Duffy must be a direct descendent of Yogi. Either that or maybe Smokey.
He is smarter than the average… rock?
hey man, i just added your blog in my links! can you add mine in your links too? its https://onyxbrigade.blogspot.com.br/
Thanks in advance!!!
Just realized i had that section on my site with a lot of outdated links. Gonna clean that up and I’ll add you link for sure. Thanks for reading.
i love these “slice of life” moments. no to say that random glasses comment out of nowhere 🙂
Just tying to keep everyone on their toes.
Wow – Now he’s Superman, err Superbear! He can leap tall dog houses with a single bound, lift people by giving them a bear hug, he can see through lead and into the future.
i really have to have my coffee before i read these, Too Funny!! 😀
Thanks Mikey!