I have one of those folders. Except, instead of yellow, it’s black… and it’s tattered… also it’s on fire.
A grease fire.
Horrible… horrible grease fire.
I have one of those folders. Except, instead of yellow, it’s black… and it’s tattered… also it’s on fire.
A grease fire.
Horrible… horrible grease fire.
I keep my dreams…. erm…. well, this is a nightmare… I lost em! [screams]
They can have long legs and move very quickly
Hold on tight to your dream…and your pants
Always your pants
Except for sometimes
Hopefully it ain’t too windy. Who needs dreams when you have Duffy anyway?
He’s a dream… or a nightmare for sure
Welcome to the club, North!
It’s a pretty crowded club
North lacks direction. (I’ve been wanting to say that all week!)
Let the record show that Autumn had the best comment of the week.
Looks like his future is about to go up in smoke.
or blowing away.
I just follow my dreams. Chasing requires too many rests in between. 😉
Yeah. I’m pretty lazy. If my dreams aren’t coming to me, I don’t have time
Apparently, his dreams are blowin’ in the wind. 🙂 🙂
They should write a song about that.