Gadzooks isn’t used nearly enough anymore. I’m bringin’ it back!!!
BTW: How did Carl know the time? He doesn’t have any hands.
Gadzooks isn’t used nearly enough anymore. I’m bringin’ it back!!!
BTW: How did Carl know the time? He doesn’t have any hands.
Barely a nap let alone a hibernation. I agree, this is the 1st Gadzooks I’ve heard in a long long time. I’m gunna have to work one into one of my strips soon as well
Oops… Didn’t realise it was a Hyper-nation. I read this strip 1st before going back to where I left off last time
Yeah. It’s the risks of a story arc I guess.
Gotta get it going again. It’ll find itself in one of Taylor Swift’s songs. Good God I hope not.
Set the alarm for spring…
At this rate, he’ll overshoot Spring
Maybe carl is wearing a watch on his tail?
That would make it a tail-watch. Hmmm, perhaps.
Snakes have the built in alarm clock, Gadzooks!
Yet another reason not to trust snakes.
Gadzooks! You’re right! No one has been using this word for so long that even my spell check doesn’t recognize it! 😉
Between us all, we can get this word to replace “swag.”