Hold Up There
I totally stole the joke in the first panel. Stole it from a comment from Mikey. But I liked the word pulsar for some reason. So thanks Mikey. You get co writer credits for this one. There’ll be a little something extra in your paycheck.
There’s gold in them thar produce sections!
Ah, if that were only true, I’d never leave the grocery store.
Gold changes soooooooooo many ways of looking at things…
It must be the reflection of the sun.
If any of this wears off, please let it NOT be the ability to change things into gold.
That’s a useful thing, for sure.
That’s odd… two pigeons and a rollerskate is what I use to turn copper into cheese.
You’ll have to give me the recipe.
There is a job offer from the Discovery Channel in your mail box. They want to star Duffy in a new science educational show, “Bear Paws and Suet”. It’s for the birds. 🙂
I’ll put the offer on the desk, with all the others. They’re just pouring in.
No pigeons were harmed in the making of this episode or the gold.
😀 😀 I noticed the Pulsars – I’m glad you liked the idea!