Just a Fling on May 2, 2016 Chapter: The Case of the Traveling Snake That’s a guarantee I can get behind. Like what you see? Share it.
They sound like Plumbers
Prbly smell like one too.
I imagine they really enjoy it when they don’t fix your problem!
That’s probably true.
That’s an awful funny coincidence… Flatt Bear experienced computer issues and then Big Blue went down….
I got the chimps on it, that’s why it was fixed so fast.
Not only can you get behind this guarantee PJ, But this guarantee also comes from the behind!
And it also comes with a raincoat.
That is an awesome guarantee!!!
Rock solid.
Best business card slogan award winner for 2016 🙂
Was thinking of putting this on my business cards. “Will create satisfactory logo design or I will fling poo.”
I’ll stand behind you P.J.! 😀 😀 😀
So I can shield you from the flinging poo? No way!
thats what i’m tallking about
I love their logo too.