Keys To Success
House keys of car keys? Because it makes a difference.
This is probably and old joke, but it made me giggle like a little school girl when I pictured this strip earlier. At least I didn’t go for the Junior Mint gag (for those Seinfeld fans).
That’s the great thing about anaesthetic, anyone can have a go at surgery & the patient never knows that it wasn’t a highly skilled surgeon. Been really enjoying your comics PJ. Glad I found your site
Thanks very much Tony. That truly means a lot.
It happens.
Unfortunately, more than we know I’m sure.
Duffy puts the mal in malpractice.
seriously. He’ll keep lawyers in work for years.
Maybe they can get the keys to go “bop-BEEP” like a car!
Would give them an idea as to where they might be. Might be embarrassing depending on what the “procedure” was.
At least no one was running in fear! 😉
Not yet anyway.
I guess he was late getting home that night!
On the good note, the patient probably knows where the keys are and can give Duff a ride home.