Knee Deep in Obvious
Several thing:
I had no idea what this strip was going to until a few seconds before I started penciling.
This draws to a close this very lengthy story arc. Thanks for sticking around.
Yes, I am very much aware that North does not know that Duff is his “client.” Patients dearies. That’s what keeps you all coming back.
You’ll notice I’ve added a Fan Art link on the menu. This link will take you to a page that features artwork and strips done by some very talented artists, cartoonists, and fans. Take a gander.
Speaking of fan art, I did a little piece of fan art for a very witty and talented fellow cartoonist JP Keslensky and Sara Keslensky Bernstein and their strip Bug Pudding. It’s a great little strip about some crazy critters that live together in a community called Lake Tuberville. It’s beautifully written and beautifully drawn, it’s one of the best strips out there. Go on over and give it a read. Real funny stuff.
Ant no stopping you now!
Ahahaha! Took me a second look at this one.
Things are going to get itchy.
and bitey.
Someone is about to get ants in the pants!
In his bear pants.
I’m very in tune with ant bites.
We all tend to be.
Well ants aren’t very subtle. And they are small & hard to notice unless of course they are Fire Ants that start biting.
Ooo, those fire ants are horrible.