Several thing:

I had no idea what this strip was going to until a few seconds before I started penciling.

This draws to a close this very lengthy story arc.  Thanks for sticking around.

Yes, I am very much aware that North does not know that Duff is his “client.”  Patients dearies.  That’s what keeps you all coming back.

You’ll notice I’ve added a Fan Art link on the menu.  This link will take you to a page that features artwork and strips done by some very talented artists, cartoonists, and fans.  Take a gander.

Speaking of fan art, I did a little piece of fan art for a very witty and talented fellow cartoonist JP Keslensky and Sara Keslensky Bernstein and their strip Bug Pudding.  It’s a great little strip about some crazy critters that live together in a community called Lake Tuberville.  It’s beautifully written and beautifully drawn, it’s one of the best strips out there.  Go on over and give it a read.  Real funny stuff.



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