Nature…Pffff. on March 7, 2016 Chapter: The Random Act of Comicness I was going to name this strip “Where’s Duffy.” Cus I’m sure that’s what everyone will be asking. Like what you see? Share it.
shouldnt frogs be able to breath under water because they are amidextrous?
You keep using that word… I don’t think it means what you think it means…
Breath holding & talking don’t work so well. And they forgot to Ribet
apparently there wasn’t time
Loose lips sink ships. And frogs.
And comic strip characters.
Next time you need something killed off, do it the right way, call in a professional. 😉
Well, they seemed to have that part taken care of all by themselves.
Someone wanted the more natural way I see.
Indeed they dead… er… did.
Testing a spin off are we???
If it was, it was a short-live spin-off.
Duffy is getting ready for the next scene!
“Where’s Duffy?” Seriously, frogs are inherently funny 🙂
Where’s Duffy?
He’s the one on the right.