Nod Nod Nod on November 2, 2015 Chapter: The Inside Job The nods have it. Like what you see? Share it.
A big nod to you, P.J.! Great strip!
Thanks Mark.
Noths intellect just keeps heading south, eh? [grin]
It’s like being the only one in the office that doesn’t know you have a blob of shaving cream in your ear
this is the comment that sparked the gag for the strip posted on 11/05. Thanks Tony for the inspiration.
I am to actually. 😉
That’s a relief.
Houston, We HAVE comprehension! The light bulb has finally come on! He can finally see the forest for the trees. Do we like today’s gag??? Nod, Nod, Nod, Nod, Nod!!! 😀 😀
Glad someone is enjoying it… 😉