Pair A What?
What would microwaved parakeet taste like? Come on, we’re all wondering. Anyway, looks like Phil’s career cut short in it’s prime. *sniff*
Winner of the last contest
The last contest what was the band name that Duffy was in is Angry Hamsters. Only one person got it right. That person was Bryan T! Way to go Bryan. He’ll get a sketch card with Duffy on it.
For those who have won sketch cards in the last couple of weeks, just be patient please. I’m currently back logged on a few projects and will get them done as soon as I can.
It’s hard to find good bird help these days.
I know, right?
File for discrimination!
He should.
Phil Is really good at pushing the buttons with his big ol beak.
A real button pusher for sure. Something for his resume’
Grammar is important, Duff. 🙂
So’s listening.
Looks like Phil’s heading back to the employment office. Better get Duffy outta the kitchen though. It ended badly once before
yeah. I’m surprised she let him anywhere near the diner.