I’ll admit, there’s nothing drop-dead hilarious about today’s strip (except Duff’s fascination with pants). That’s fine. It’s really more functional today than anything. So what function does today’s strip serve?
Two actually.
1. It allows me to make another minor change to Lucy so she’s easier to for me to draw. I thought it would be fun to just come out and bring it to everyone’s attention rather than try to sneak it by; although, most of you wouldn’t have even really noticed. See, I’ve struggled with Lucy’s character design since day one. In fact, you can go back to the early strips and see how she’s changed and how inconsistent she’s been. I think I fixed it and I’m good with her now.
2. This launches a story arc that will make the back story of the strip more legitimate. The basis for Flatt Bear is Duff is actually in the witness protection program instead of the animal protection program. I feel I need to explore this aspect a little more so I can solidify the background story. I’ll also be able to introduce a new character soon that will have an impact on story-line and characters (no, not Sheldon) .
Stand-by and enjoy.
Duffy already had snow pants. maybe he can have mud pants in the spring? 😀
At some point, we’re going to need to get a look in his closet.
Whoa, I need new arc pants too! Phenomenal coincidence!!
You and Duff can go shopping together. Maybe he can give you some pointers.
I think Duff would look great in Lederhosen. I like Lucy’s fuller hair.
He’s done the Lederhosen. Guess he doesn’t like repeating himself.
Out with the old arc, in with the new!
The life cycle of a comic strip.
New story arc, new hair do . . . now grab those pants Duffy!
Hope he doesn’t get them mixed up with his festve pants.
I always know it’s a new arc because I change my underwear.
Oooo. I need to write that down.
I hear that Arc Pants are all the trend now. Or at least soon will be.
I sincerely feel that Sheldon could’ve really added an extra something to this strip. An extra dimension of feeling & emotion. An added sense of something special that only his soft squishy soul could bring. Raw talent like Sheldon’s doesn’t come by very often & I must confess that I kinda miss that little guy.
We all will miss Sheldon. He was multi dimensional for sure.
Such a heartfelt tribute to Sheldon Tony. Brought a tear to me one good eye.