Planty Ways
I hate being tricked by bushes.
BTW, I’ve been told that folks who have subscribed to Flatt Bear have not been getting email updates when a new comic has posted. This is an issue with a plugin I’m using that’s not recognizing the category the comics are posting under. Other things, like Duffy’s Spotlight and blog posts are being sent. I’m am aware of this issue and I’m trying to find a fix for it.
At least it’s not a Poison Ivy bush!
Oooo, yikes. That would be awkward, wouldn’t it? I might have to use that down the road.
At least he didn’t go for the portable toilet disguise!
Guess that costume is reserved for those who call in sick.
C’mon Mr. Bush, you don’t get to pick a cool part. You make the part cool! 😀
BTW P.J., same thing happen with my E-mail subscription. Comic notifications were never sent. Only blog posts. Dawn Griffin of has what you are looking for. You might want to reach out and ask her what she’s using. 😉
Wow. thanks Bill. I’ll do that. This is what I love about the comic community. Everyone’s willing to help.
I’d say he was Bush-whacked!
Sorry. Couldn’t help myself.
Well played Don!
Let’s hope a little dog doesn’t come by and mark you as territory! 😉
Oooo, that would be horrible. Although, I might have to use that….
I hate when that happens! I had to dress like a nerd today. Oh, sorry, that’s not a costume…
The only thing worse than that is dressing like a nerdy shrubbery.
I was originally attracted to this webcomic for the humor. Now I come for the humor AND to find out more about all the covert actions going on. Great job as always p.j.
Glad to hear that!!! That’s what I hope is that I keep things interesting enought that folks keep coming by.
Planty ways… Love it.
I had this problem when I was using the Jetpack email subs P.J. It would send notifications for Blog posts but wouldn’t recognise Comic posts. I switched to Feedburner & it works fine with that
I was looking at Subscribe2, but it doesn’t’ recognize the Comic Easel chapter as a valid category. I’ll look into Feedburner. Thanks Tony!