Sans-a-pants on October 8, 2014 Chapter: The Grand Opening That’s… going to leave a mark. Like what you see? Share it.
I’m guessing that hurt more than a little.
The sting will set in any minute now… wait for it…
Ooh that hadta hurt. Looks like Duffy’s going Brazilian. Love the action feel of the 2nd panel PJ
Thanks Tony!
Oooooo! I _hate_ when that happens!
So will Duffy, when the burn starts to settle in.
The more you (don’t) know.
This information could and will save your life.
Just the Bear essentials I see… and by see, I mean CHECK-PuhLease! [smirk]
No desert.
Duff makes waxing look more pleasant!
Yeah… I’m out.
Panel 3 needs to be on a t-shirt…
Ahahaha! Awesome idea. Flatt Bear Wear.
Oooh … that’s catchy! 🙂
When I read this strip today, I laughed and thought…”That’s gonna leave a mark.” Oh how great minds think alike. 🙂
I can hire you to start writing my material. 😉
Those are shoes I most definitely could not fill. Why do you think my comic has no words? 🙂
Bwahaha! See? That’s comedy!
Ouch! That’s gotta hurt!
Some Bactine will help for sure. Hopefully.