Second-hand Narrator on September 16, 2015 Chapter: The Inside Job Narrator for hire. Everyone needs one. Everyone has one. Whether you know it or not. Like what you see? Share it.
YAY! I love Duffy tearing out the narrator and taking him with.. 😀
We’ve all wanted to do this, haven’t we?
I-WANT-A-NARRATOR! [do they take credit cards?]
Too funny !!!
Thanks. So much for that fourth wall. Maybe even the fifth wall?
I’d rather not have a Narrator, he’d get annoying after a while. I can see why North gave him up so easily. Great last panel PJ
Thanks Tony. I like the way it finally came together.
dude, this one is awesome!
Thanks Jen!
waitaminute… didn’t North notice the narrator refer to “the bear” as Duffy, the name who he’s supposed yo be watching?
Seems North was not really paying attention, was he. There may be more “clues” as time goes on. We’ll see if North catches on.
Looks like Duffy found something he’s good at!
The list is small for sure
Everyone needs one!
Think we all have one. in the form of family and friends.
Even the narrator isn’t safe in Flatt Bear!
No one’s safe. Even the reader.
Ha ha! Good one P.J. sometimes I’ll hang out in my coworkers cubes and narrate what they’re doing until they shoo me outta there. 🙂
You hire yourself out for birthday parties?