Poor, boated Carl. Seems he got the worst of the situation. Once again.
And now for that bonus stuff I mentioned…
As some of you know, Flatt Bear is coming up on it’s two year anniversary in August. What you might not know is how much I appreciate each and everyone of you readers who continue to stop by here each week. So to show that appreciation, I think some reader appreciation is in order. To do this, I’m going to throw in little games from time to time. Stuff like Flatt Bear trivia, or find the Easter egg. And since every game has to have prizes, I’m thinking sketch cards, maybe even some original art. Things to reward you dedicated readers for sticking with Flatt Bear.
So let’s get this started and see how this goes.
There’s something in today’s strip that’s… borrowed from another source. Your job is to identify what it is and where it came from. When you do, email me your answer using the Contact Me page. Make sure you identify yourself in the email. You have til the end of today, 06/26, let’s say 7:00pm MST to get your answer in. Then I will randomly choose a person with the correct answer and announce the winner on Monday (Well, I’ll contact the winner before then, but the rest of you will find out on Monday). The winner will receive a hand-drawn sketch card with the character of their choice.
Good luck, and thanks for reading.
Although he does look good with shoulders, just needs some arms to go with them.
I kept trying to draw him with arms.
Carl sure looks swole, better lay off the steroids Carl. That last panel really cracked me up
He looks like a green baseball
She was right there, all along! [grin]
Like Duffy said, it was simple.
Poor Carl, he’ll never say leeches are his cousins.
Seems pretty close to them, though.
He’s been willy-wonkaed!
He he.
Love the classic way you put scratches and bruises on the characters. Reminds me of the old Looney Tunes style.
I think it adds to the scruffiness.
Yeah, I’m stumped.
Yeah. This may prove tough for everyone who isn’t familiar with the source.
Hey Carl, when you shed your skin you’ll be a peeled grape! 😛