Surf, Sand, and This…
Take my word for it, they are still out there. Lurking…
Show up Monday for the start of the new story. Very earth shattering. Tell your friends.
Take my word for it, they are still out there. Lurking…
Show up Monday for the start of the new story. Very earth shattering. Tell your friends.
Carl needs to see a doctor for all that retina damage.
Or at least he’ll need glasses.
I think his tooshie just winked at me?! [blinks]
LOL… ewwww.
There’s always some trendsetter that has to wear one
Duff’s always been a trendsetter.
I’m excited to meet the newcomers
Me too. Who are they gonna be? I guess I should start working on some character sketches.
He’s too sexy for this strip!
I’ve always said this.
Thanks for keeping that safe for work!
Inward thinking of the children.
I like big butts, I cannot lie.
But big FURRY butts?
Yeah. You might have to rethink that approach.
Haha, a sight he never wanted to see! 🙂
What is seen can never been unseen.
Oh man, if the front is not bad enough, there’s the back.
Yeah, that back. Yikes!
Also referred as “Banana Hammock” or “Coin Purse” depending on how it’s… “Filled” 😉
I so wanted to use that phrase instead of speeeee-dough, but… or should I say butt…
Thanks for sparing us the visual! 🙂
Yep. Even I couldn’t “bear” that sight.