Think of the Napkins
He never learns, does he?
And…. the answer to the homework, for those who bothered to study:
Carl’s last name was revealed a few strips ago. Boidae. It’s a family name alright. It is actually the name of a family of non-venomous snakes that live in America, Europe, Asia, and some Pacific islands. Usually Boas and such. So… there you go.
Hopefully the plastic cutlery will slow the fire down… 😉
Good plan.
It’s good that Duffy sees the scorching hot bright side of things.
He’s always a ray of sunshine that Duff.
Uh oh
It’s 1215
Do you know where your flatt bear is?
Patients Doc… See what I did there?
The napkins will come in handy!
Maybe to help put the fire out.
We have to consider that he may be some sort of,fire elemental.
Yes. There does seem to be some sort of connection there, doesnt there?
If i ever run fleeing from a fire, It’ll be the bounty napkins I save. They are the quickeh-pickeh-uppeh! [grin]
Save them and they may return the favor some day!
Ha Ha!!! You can always rely on the town drunk to keep things exciting. I didn’t do my homework tsk tsk. I really thought it must’ve been an upper class french family, maybe even royalty. Monsieur Carl of the House of Boidae
That’s funny Tony. House of Boidae.
This one got an out loud chuckle for me. For some reason, “I saved the napkins” really cracks me up.
I literally wrote that bit at the last minute. The original line was “Heeey, the tent’s no longer on fire, but…” and was going to fill in the gag later. Even had the lettering inked in. Couldn’t think of anything funny to go so I had to rewrite duff’s line. It appears I write better comedy under pressure.
Ha! Love the recall!
Oh, no! What about the sporks?!
Sporks can fend for themselves.
Oh man!! He didn’t save the food or the drinks??? OK…..New Rule: “Keep the bear away from the Propane”!!! Gave me a good laugh P.J. — Flatt has some really great gags!! Keep ’em coming! 😀 😀
Great! Thanks Mikey, that really means a lot. Glad your diggin’ the bear. I shall definitely keep them coming.
Leans??? 🙂 🙂
Yep. Fixed it. Thanks for the heads-up.
Smart thinking…napkins are very flammable.
And explosive.