To the Ground on April 16, 2018 Chapter: The Random Act of Comicness He’s far too kind. I’d use a nuke myself… but that’s just me. Like what you see? Share it.
I’d almost say he didn’t go far enough.
Those old outhouses were notorious for wasp nests too. This actually seems like a pretty normal reaction to me… 😉
I’d do the same thing with a wasp nest.
Duff seems to have a ‘thing’ for burning down buildings. Although I totally see his point, in this case.
There are easier ways to cover up the smell. Next time install a solar powered exhaust fan.
Believe it or not, I didn’t really make that connection until I was posting it up. I was only focused on the main gag which was casually burning down the house.
Nothing wrong with that at all. 🙂
Not a thing.