I’ve always wanted to use the phrase “beard of bees” in a comic strip.  So when the opportunity arose…


 ************ Important!! **************

Just a gentle reminder, Next week, I shall be enjoying a much needed vacation with the family beach-side. Good Lord, does this mean Flatt Bear will cease and desist?  To that I say fear not!  Flatt Bear will continue on despite my well-timed absence.

Starting Monday, and running all five days, it will be guest week.  But wait, you say, Flatt Bear only updates three days a week.  How can this be?  Is this some kind of joke?  To that I say it’s true!  I had such great a response from some awesome artists,  that I can run a strip a day everyday next week.  In fact, I had such great response, I have more than enough material.  That means guest week will be actually be guest week-and-one-day.  So look for some great stuff from some very talented and generous artists starting Monday.

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