Up And Away – Jon Esparza
If you know Jon, you know his strip, or should I say strips, over at Jon’s Crazyverse. Jon had not one but three comic strips he’s doing Mushrooms, Mike and Mindy, and the new one Bubble Fox. I don’t know how he finds the time. I mean, I bearly keeping my head above water updating one strip three times a week. And If that’s not enough, you can also find him tirelessly promoting other artists comic strips via Twitter, Facebook, and smoke signals. A true champion of the arts.
Both Mike and Mindy and Mushrooms can be found here
Jon’s Crazyverse
And Bubble Fox can be found here:
Bubble Fox
Check in tomorrow for another great guest strip.
This is guest spot is hanging by a string. Love it!
Carl gets the Crazy treatment! This strip “fills” me with such joy, Jon! Love your take on P.J.’s creations!
Carl is feeling a little bloated!
Great strip, Jon!
Ha, ha! Poor Carl. He must be full of hot air right about now! 😀
Very good Jon!
Ha Ha!!! Carl reminds me of Faraday the Blob in this strip. Nice work Jon
It’s good to see Jon expand his legacy!