Veteran’s Day 2015
I’ve spent the bulk of my career supporting the military which has given me an up close view of what these men and women do on a daily basis. They deserve our thanks for all they do, and have done.
I’ve spent the bulk of my career supporting the military which has given me an up close view of what these men and women do on a daily basis. They deserve our thanks for all they do, and have done.
Nice tribute to the vets PJ. I spent 12 years in the Australian Navy, It was some of the best years of my life.
Glad you like it Tony. And thanks for serving.
Thats what my nephew calls my uncles prosthetics… Robot Legs
Well, they kinda are, in a sense.
The dude knew bear meant “robot leg” as a compliment.
Indeed he did.
Touching strip, P.J.! Really diggin’ your art!
Thanks Mark.
Great comic strip today, & the artwork coloring is great.
Thanks Sandy.
Awesome strip PJ. I must say I was disappointed to read the mainstream comics today and see not one tribute. This one is fantastic.
Thanks! Yeah, the only thing I can think of is that since most of these are done so far in advance, maybe they can’t time the strips out to fall on specific days so they just don’t bother. It is kind disappointing though, isn’t it?
Hi and Lois managed to get in a tribute — to Lois’s brother, Beetle Bailey.
Yeah. Pretty much the only cartoonists who did any sort of tribute was us syndicated fellows
This is good. Nicely done, sir.
Thank you ma’am.
Good comic, PJ.
Great Tribute strip PJ!
And I really like the changes in your art. I hope you do too. 😉
Thanks Bill. Yeah. I’m liking it alot. Makes my life easier on the workflow end too.