600 Pounds on October 15, 2014 Chapter: The Grand Opening Who can say no to candy corn? But 600 pounds? I’m cramping up just thinking about it. Like what you see? Share it.
Walmart for the win!
Candy corn adds that sweet bit of finesse!
Mmmmm…. Candy corn…….
Yep. Good stuff. Right next to those little candy pumpkins.
I don’t think 600 lbs is gonna get the job done.
I guess it depends on who shows.
They can use the candy corn to dip in the caviar. Could be the next big thing in the upper classes. Red & blue tie, best of both worlds
Candy corn caviar. It’s got a nice comedic ring to it.
Well, at least the guests will all be well fed!
They will be, but they might not last the night.
I say NO to candy corn!
Get some Snickers!
Three Musketeers.
They make good appetizers, or you could sprinkle them on the salads!
Because it’s corn, right? Right?
I will take all the candy in my mouth now, please.
LOL. You got it.
Candy Corn! My drug of choice.
Mine too. But there’s a narrow window of enjoyment. I’ll have 5 of them and it’s like mana from the gods. 6, meh. 7, i’m begging for death.
ROFL!!! Put your hands up and slowly step away from the candy corn!! 🙂 You’ve eaten way too much!! 😀
Candy corn is a dangerous thing in the wrong hands.
Candy corn the worlds most dissapointing Halloween “treat.”
PS I was here first! YES! Superfan strikes again
Right next to those circus marshmallow peanuts … superfan. Don’t go all fan-boy on me now.