Armed and Rabid on November 18, 2015 Chapter: The Random Act of Comicness Gotta hone this new workflow. This one was brutal. Like what you see? Share it.
ok. I’m going to say it. That guy is squirelly.
It just had to be said.
Hey, they’re gathering nuts & it ain’t even May.
Here’s we go gathering nuts in May…
See that’s the song. Gotta be true to the lyrics
The squirrels in my yahd aren’t quite as South Chicago as yours are! [runs away holding my nuts]
I love the squirrel!
And I hear he’s quite taken with you… 😉
Keep up the good work P.J. The artwork is lloking GREAT! Any extra time is definitely paying off. P.S. You draw squirrels way better than I do… might have to get a tutorial from you. 🙂
I think that’s what took me so long. I wanted my squirrel to look like a squirrel and not a hamster or something.
I was almost waiting for Amelia to pull out a bigger knife and be like, “That’s not a knife, this is a knife.”
If she was Australian… Maybe…
They are everywhere! 😉
Keeps you looking over your shoulder, doesn’t it?
Loving the new look plus squirrels with tactical weapons are so funny.
I don’t think the squirrels think it’s funny, but we do.
Next strip: Rambo squirrels!
I shall take note of that.