Fur Happens on November 20, 2015 Chapter: The Random Act of Comicness Looking a little pudgy in the middle there, Duffy. Gotta lay off the sweet-rolls ‘er something. Like what you see? Share it.
He looks so cuddly in the last panel. It just sorta happened really well. Maybe Carl could just squirm into Duffy’s thick coat for winter.
He’s got enough fur to keep us all warm.
Flatt Bear. Both funny and Educational! 😀
They hop into some someones dryer and tumble dry, I see! [FUMP]
How adora-bear!
Looks like a giant Teddy Bear
Except without all the charm.
I have the same problem…
Awww he looks like a Teddy Bear.. Cute and cuddly!!!! 🙂 Winter? Just like my dog, all of a sudden he’s full of fur. Then in the Spring we have to vacuum the house 3 times a week to get rid of the fur. Too Funny!!!!!!
I hear if you collect enough fur in the spring, you can build your own auxiliary dog.
I built an auxiliary dog from Dixie’s fur once after brushing her.