See? The odds were in his favor after all. Well, here it is. The much awaited, much anticipated finale to our story arc. And what perfect timing too, considering next week is Flatt Bear’s 1st year anniversary. It’s as if I planned it that way… hmmm. So what does this all mean? Well it places our cast in a new home, finally. It allows our furry friend Duff to be a hero (he can’t be the goat all the time). And it serves as a nice jumping off point to start Flatt Bear’s season two. Placing them in the train station will open up opportunities for more interesting story arcs and allow the introduction of some new characters, both permanent and guest stars. That’s all I’ll say for now for Monday I shall lay out a nice “state of the union address” on Flatt Bear. Until then, enjoy the weekend. Cheers.
Hey, I forgot to mention:
I did a lot of research on train stations before I drew this one. Months worth of surfing the web and tons of photos of vintage train stations from all over the world. I must say that Canada has the best collection of old train stations around, some of which are still being used today. The UK is second runner up with small stations dotting the countryside. Flatt Bear’s train station you see here in today’s strip is a combination of a two stations. One called McAdams in New Brunswick Canada (now a museum) and the other is the Wilkes-Barre station in Scranton Pennsylvania (this one’s abandoned, defunct night club/restaurant). Both great examples of early 20th century architecture for a mode of transportation no longer receiving the attention it once had.
Looks like Duffy finally made a good judgement call. That’s one awesome looking train station P.J.
Now I’m left wondering if there was also a 2nd hand steam train purchase too
I’m happy with how it came out Tony! I was a little nervous about drawing it up.
You did an awesome job of it with great colouring too
Cool beans.
Great ending to this story PJ! It will be a lot of fun discovering what adventures come from this new place. 😀
And I like the new look of your site! 😉
Thanks Bill!
Just wondering if your being the stationmaster on a very popular train forum had any influence on your choice of their new home????? Just wondering
Well… it didn’t hurt.
That looks so cool! I love it, PJ!
Are there any rail cars on the tracks? Like maybe a caboose or box car.
I think there’ll be all kinds of surprises in and around this building.
Great page!!!!
Thanks Court. I like how this turned out. I was really concerned that I wasn’t going to be able to pull this off.
There is a light at the end of the tunnel… hopefully its not a freight train! Cause thats how Duffy rolls down those tracks! [smirk]
Congrats on wrapping a full season! Chugga-Chugga!
Thanks Junksie! Yeah, I thought about pulling the rug out from under Duff, but I think I’ll let him win this one. there is something to be said for making a character a complete looser.
Oooh! A train station! I like where this is going… congrats again on your 1 year anniversary, P.J. Looking forward to season 2!
Thanks John. Appreciate the follow!
Epic panoramic!
Thanks Micheal.
What a nice surprise!!! I came in for a look as soon as i turned on the confuser this morning (6:30 EDT). I didn’t think the station would be that big 🙂 It’s going to be a great home for them. …….. LOL Now they might have to hire someone to help keep it clean. 🙂
Great home and possibly something more? Thanks Mike! It’s great to hear a reader who is so involved in a story, they can’t wait to get the next installment.
Awesome, P.J.!
Thanks Tim!
Very exciting
CMon Monday!
Worth the wait?