I think the title of this one says it all.  A grateful nation thanks those who not only sacrificed their lives, but those who sacrifice those who gave their lives so we can remain free.

BTS (Behind the Scenes): I pulled out my old Speedball nib on this one.  For those who don’t know what that is, it is a pen nib that you dip in an inkwell.  Man I forgot how I love using these things.  The ink just flows off the tip.  No forcing, no arguing, it just does.  It frees me to do what I need to do, draw. Not as convenient as the Fabers and it’s horribly dangerous (spillages),  but I might have to give in and start using this on a regular basis.

Have a nice Memorial day for those in the States and a Bank holiday for those who aren’t.  Canadian’s, sorry mates, guess you go to work 😛 .



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