Square Zed
Bearded mustache side-burned dragon. Hmmm. Nope. Never heard of it.
I tried something different with this strip. I used a brush pen for the ink work. Partly because I waned to see what the fuss was all about and partly because I’ve been exposed to so many different styles I wanted to see if I could start incorporating some of them into my strip. Anyway, not sure I like how the line work came out. Heavy and uncontrolled. I like the thinner more controlled line I get from the Faber Castels. Although I do like how the trees in the background turned out.
It’s a learning process.
Have a great weekend. See you Monday!!!
I’ve never liked the beard without a moustache look. I suppose it’d be an Amish Dragon
Amish dragon, good one.
He’ll have to watch How to Train Your Bearded Dragon.
A few pointers for his own maybe?
I have TWO bearded dragons, love them!
How fun. Maybe you and Duff can hang out. Swap dragon stories? 🙂
You just can’t much cooler than a bearded dragon. Unless it’s on a Hog.
As in Harley or an actual pig?
One’s gotta dream!!
And dream big.
I’ve given ink pens a shot but I always return to blue and black pencils. You can easily remove the blue lines in Photoshop if you click on Channels and turn every channel off except Blue.
I’ve heard about using pencil instead of inking. I also thought about using them becuase I always seems like my pencils look great and my inks lack the life the pencil rough had.
My line work looks like an 90 year old woman.
Hahaha! That’s funny Bearman.
So, I’m picturing the pogona w/ a mustache and sideburns and I see a Bear who now owns a reptilian version of Wilford Brimley! [grin]
I used faber castels before going digital. I spent years testing them all out, only to go with a pen styled mouse.
That’s who I was trying to think of last night. I kept thinking Samuel Adams or something. My problem with the pens are I need something that is going to allow ink to flow without a lot of battle. I would love to use a nib/ink setup, that’s the perfect flow for me. But it’s not very mobile if I take the strip on the road. Open inkwell is dangerous anyway.
Who doesn’t want a Dragon. right?
And the brush pens look great, PJ.
Thanks David.
Duffy, give me a million of those dollars and I’ll glue whatever you want to a bearded dragon’s face!
You might be on to something with that brush pen. Practice, practice, practice! If anything, start using it for your backgrounds. Those trees DO look great! 😀
Thanks. I’ve used the brush pen before when I needed heavy outlines, like the piggy bank was done with brush. I like the ability to get a variety of line weights outta the pen with little effort. It’s pretty unforgiving though.
My son had a beardie named Craig, he never had a moustache,
he should have tried growing one. I hear they’re in now. My youngest daughter has a crested gecko. I’m not a huge reptile-as-a-pet kinda guy, but this guy’s pretty cool.