Let’s face it, this gum wasn’t the best even when it was… “fresh.” Pink, powdery, and usually so stale that if you dropped it, the gum would shatter into a million razor sharp shards. We still loved it though. My mom came home from Price Club one day with an entire box of Star Wars trading cards. I ate like a king for weeks.
I have to admit, this gag was inspired by a tweet sent out by John Kovolic of Dork Towers. He mentioned a while back he’d just bought some baseball trading cards and swore they were from 1990. I changed the cards to Robocop for comedic purposes. Funny side note, I was concerned that Robocop trading cards might not have existed in 1990 so I did research. Wouldn’t you know, there are Robocop trading cards from 1990 for sale on Ebay right this moment. Seriously.
Anyway, thanks John.
i Used to buy a whole case of Don Russ cards from the Price Club every year as a kid. Flattgum.com I pretty sure that was talc powder they put on them.
I used to like that powdery stuff as a kid. Probably my favorite part of the gum.
Good to see Duff is spending his money wisely … 🙂
I going to go to him for financial advice later.
Dead or alive, you’re chewing on me!
I have no idea what your trying to say, but this is the funniest thing I’ve read all day. Seriously.
I use to love that gum too, but yuck after 20 years.
I’m not sure if there would be much of a change. Like I mentioned Tim I had several of those Star Wars packs that I kept sealed with gum inside. I found them about 15 years ago and the gum had literally turning to brown dust. And destroying the cards in the process.
I’m not going to be the one to tell him what he can eat.
never get between a bear and his cards… err… meal.
Well, eating the cards is a great source of fiber, thats for sure! Add in the waxy additive and, well, … nevermind. [wink]
It’s a well balanced diet for sure.
Oh, you just had to mention those. I’m going to bid on ’em right now!
My favorite trading cards were the Garbage Pail Kids :OP
I remember those. They came with stickers to if I remember. I always liked Wacky-packs. We were in a fourth grade trading frenzy of the time.
I remember that horrible gum fondly!
It was the highlight of our childhood.I have a couple of those Star Wars packs still sealed except the gum designated about 15 years ago.
Some baseball card manufacturers either stopped adding gum to their packs or added gum in sealed wrappers because collectors were complaining how the gum residue was lowering the cards value. 😉
Yeah. I remember when I came across my first trading card pack without gum. Felt cheated.
P.S. I like that youy have a comment reply thingy now P.J. I always like to keep up with replies to comics that I comment on
I had it for a while but it was through Jetpack and it never worked. I’m using a plugin now called Subscribe to Comments Reloaded. Works great.
I always got the dry breaky gum too. The waxy outer wrapper had the best flavour
think it was the only thing with flavor.