Ten Years!!!!!
It all started, August 26th, 2013…d
Who know that when I started this little comic, it would last this long? My initial plan was to do a couple of years, just to say I published a comic strip, and then move on. But I wound up staying longer than planned. No regrets. I has allowed me to explore my creative side like I’ve never experienced. It’s been quite a ride these past ten years. Countless characters, countless character redesigns, storylines, backstories, and indulging fantasies.
A lot has changed over the years. My character designs, style, even me. One thing that hasn’t changed is the support from the fans. I thank you all who have stuck it out for this long, and thank though who have joined recently.
Happy 10th birthday to Duffy and all of his friends! Hope to see this comic strip for at least another 10 years. Well done PJ!
Thanks for hanging out with us all these years!!!
Well, I’ll be darned, HAPPY BIRTHDAY to all on Flatt Bear and congratulations to you for providing a clever and entertaining strip. May Flatt Bear have many more 10-year anniversaries, and that you enjoy doing the strip as much as we enjoy reading it.
Dear ol’ Dad….
My pleasure is your enjoy!!!
Congrats!!!!! We’re all glad you stuck with it all this time too.
That’s a lot of sticking, that’s for sure.