Two For the Price of None on January 11, 2016 Chapter: The Polar Crap Don’t know what a Polar Plunge is? Stick around. Like what you see? Share it.
He’s already jumping in feet first & he hasn’t even gotten the cold water yet
I’ll stick to sitting by the pool. That summer pool water is just a bit too cold to get into. 😉
No kidding.
I’m trying to picture a polar…. plunge-r. Is it a cold plunger? a white plunger [like the bear]? a brand of plunger? Do you throw it in the water and see how fast it runs out shaking cold? I’m trying to get in the bears head here! [grin]
I’m not sure he know what it is either. All he know is some “lions” have one and he wants one too.
I think a splash of cold water might do Duffy some good!
Real cold water.