You Got That Christmas Feeling?
Well, it started out good…
BTW, I had this joke in the queue since August. ย Which proves I don’t always make these things up the night before a post.
Well, it started out good…
BTW, I had this joke in the queue since August. ย Which proves I don’t always make these things up the night before a post.
Whoa that certainly dropped fast. Looks like Bears aren’t good at technology. I think Duffy shoulda got some help from Binky with that project. Does that kinda speed still class as “lowering”. You really captured the impression of a fast drop well P.J.
Thanks Tony!
Oh, the humanity…
Maybe he tried to grow it upside down.
I’ve heard that’s a thing.
It’s a Tannenbomb!
Nice one Mark.
Yule have to forgive my holiday puns, P.J., ’tis the season!
There’s nothing like Christmas!
Ahhh, the crash of the Christmas bulbs…
Man, he needs to work on this idea! He could make millions if he can get it to work. If not, well, he needs to learn roofing.
It might be a niche market for him. “Duff’s Christmas tree deployment and roofing.”
I have never been good with electronics either
maybe the two of you can get together and swap war stories
Wow!! the snow even looks real!…. oh..wait… ๐ ๐ ๐
Tomorrow I go full 3D.
plus it posted right at midnight so i didnt have to stay up any later
thanks for that
I aims to please.